K-Vest 6D
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K-Vest is the industry leading motion capture system, allowing to capture 6 Degrees of freedom (turn, bend, side bend, sway, thrust, and lift) currently used by Andrew Stephens and Sara Stephens. This system allows us to measure the body’s rotation and linear movements. K-VEST’s 6D technology platform consistently and accurately analyzes the motion of a golfer’s swing in 6 degrees of freedom. Unlike anything on the market today, K-VEST 6D captures swing efficiency, via the kinematic sequence graph, and also allows users to measure key rotational and linear biomechanical information. Not only can the K-Vest identify faulty motor patterns, but in a matter of seconds my students can use Dynamic Visual Training to see, feel, and hear the correct movements of the body. Feeling a swing change has never been more simple. K-Vest will allow us to correct inefficient movements in your swing and maximize your potential as a golfer and an athlete.
A K-Vest overview featured on ABC in San Antonio
PGA Tour Player Health Slocum and his teacher Mark Blackburn using the K-Vest to prepare for the U.S. Open.